Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You Still Need Lessons?!

Yesterday I had two people, on completely separate occasions, ask why the heck I still need riding lessons. Because, really, don't I already know how to ride a horse by now?

Ah, well, how do you even begin to go about trying to get them to understand? I tried to draw a comparison to playing tennis/painting/playing a musical instrument -- no matter what your level, instruction is helpful -- but I don't think it did any good. If I can get on a horse and ride around without immediately falling off, then I'm good to go, right?

It reminds me of being kid, when other kids would say, "Oh yeah, I totally know how to ride a horse" because they were plunked on a pony at the county fair or went on a trail ride once. As a kid, this made me kind of angry because they were so clueless about what really goes into, I just know they're clueless. Like how I'm clueless about so many other things in life!

My cantering with Marve is slightly better, if only based on the fact that I'm no longer afraid of him running away and I'm starting to not care about how bad we might look to everyone else. I figure getting over those issues is half the battle. Riding is such a mental exercise as well as a physical one, and once I believe I can do it, it makes a difference.

I suspect, however, that my little fantasies about the dinky schooling show need to be put on hold. Marve has such huge gaits and really tears around the arena sometimes. Yeah, I can slow him down and get him into a nice steady gait, but really his stride is just huge, and I can't picture him calmly going around in circles in that arena with 10-15 other horses at once. Sniff, sniff. What's that I smell in the air? Disaster!

As always, we will keep working on it. And "it" = everything.


Laura said...

That's annoying that someone said that to you - but what do they know?? Lots of people still take lessons to fine tune their riding, or other skills like you, martial arts, etc.

I know of lots of high level riders that still get coaching and lessons - it is a bit different than lessons for us re-riders, but still lessons all the same...!

Serena said...

My boyfriend asked me that a while ago. I laughed, because i thought he was kidding. :-) oops.

Anonymous said...

tell them all the day you stop learning is the day they put you in the grouned!!

Jill said...

"It" = everthing. *snort* That's about the way I feel too! :)

I haven't been around lately, so am just now reading about the end of the lease with Mae and the beginning of this new one. I am glad to hear you're riding, and hope this works out for you!

Totally hear you on the lesson thing. I've been riding for 22 years and STILL take lessons. Although, non horse people look at me weird no matter what I'm talking about horse related!