Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Ride

When I got to the stable for my first official ride on Marve as part of the new lease, I was really nervous, and I didn't even know why. Maybe I was still afraid I wasn't good enough of a rider for him, or I was feeling uncertain about all those snooty teenage girls hanging around the place. I don't know, but I definitely felt nervous. And it didn't help that when I showed up and started grooming and tacking up Marve, no fewer than FIVE of those teenage girls pretty much stood in a line and just stared at me the whole time. I was like, ummmm hi guys. I really don't think they intend to be so unfriendly, but it sure comes across that way. Anyway, they didn't help my nerves because I felt like they were judging my every move and I kept worrying I'd make some stupid mistake or forget to do something.

In any case, I got Marve ready without incident and took him to the indoor ring. It was a beautiful day so people were riding outside, but I wanted to stick to the indoor for the first time, especially since I haven't ridden him outside yet. Also, I lucked out because no one else was riding in the indoor. I couldn't believe I had it to myself -- that is pretty much unheard of at this barn.

I led Marve over to the mounting block. Still nervous. I stood on the block and thought about how horses can sense your tension and I didn't want to screw up our ride before it started. So I took a big breath and then it out in an audible exhale. And guess what Marve did? He let out a big sigh of his own! LOL. I don't know if he was really more relaxed or just wondering what was taking me so long, but he made me laugh and I felt better, so I got on.

We walked around a bit to warm up and then we started trotting. Marve looks awesome trotting and is pretty willing to stretch/bend, which I like. The first few times we rode by the mirrors I couldn't stop staring. I just thought we looked so good together! Of course, in reality I knew I was an uncertain re-rider with not-so-hot equitation packing an extra 25 pounds and wearing a hot pink thrift store t-shirt, but still. I just felt good riding him.

I was also thrilled to be in that huge arena without having to navigate around other horses. So we spent a while doing serpentines, broken lines, etc. just to enjoy the space. Marve was great. I can certainly see that I need improvement, but I can get better.

That is what is so awesome about this -- I feel like riding Marve will make me a better rider. In the last year I've tried so hard to improve my riding, and sometimes it feels like I never get anywhere. But I think I can learn a lot riding Marve, which is exciting.

I had planned to only walk and trot for this first ride, since it's his canter that has made me nervous in the past. In all honesty, I wasn't worried so much about falling off as I was about falling off and having Marve run back into the barn and all those teenagers realizing that the clueless re-rider couldn't hack it on her first day. Silly, I know. But after a little while I decided to face my fear and try the canter.

We only cantered once in each direction, and just a few laps around a 20-meter circle each time. But I did it, and there were no problems with him getting too quick or being difficult to bring back. It wasn't pretty, though, because his head was up and his ears were back. I'm not sure what I was doing to make him so unhappy...I wasn't hauling on the reins or anything like that. Maybe my weight wasn't entirely balanced or something. I definitely need to work on that, but I'm sure we'll get better.

I mostly need confidence, and once that comes, things will improve. I'm only starting to realize just how much those early experiences of me riding horses/ponies who ran away with me are affecting my riding today. I think I will always be a little apprehensive about cantering a new horse, but it's something I can deal with.

Overall, I am thrilled and optimistic. I love the stable's facilities and location. I can even handle the know-it-all girls, who probably won't be so bad once I get to know them. I'm excited about Marve and what he can teach me, and I'm already antsy for the next time I can get out there and ride him. Which unfortunately is a few days away. But I love how excited I am! I'm so glad I decided to do this lease.


Daun said...

Sounds great! I am so glad Marve is going to be a good fit. The best horses are the ones that teach us to be better riders and occasionally kick us (much against our will) outside of our comfort zone.

Ignore the silly girls. They probably can't comprehend being a legal drinking age, much less how the body reacts to being a bit over the legal drinking age.

Maybe Mae said...

Ha ha when I first read that, I thought you meant they don't know what it feels like when your of-legal-drinking-age body has had a few too many drinks. I was picturing myself standing in the stable lounge, swinging a Miller High Life through the air while slurring, "Shyou little girlsssh don't know what itsh like to be thish drunk!"

Britnie - Riding During Naps said...

Oh Im so glad you ride went good!! As for the pinned ears, heh, he could just be like my mare and be TOTALLY annoyed that he has to trot, much less CANTER! God forbid!!
Anyway, hope your next ride goes even better :)

Laura said...

Yeah!! Sounds like this will work out well for you. I hope Marve can help you get some of your confidence back.

It's hard, but I agree with Daun - try to ignore the teenagers. I tried being nice to the few at my barn and they just look at me like I have horns or something...silly things.