Saturday, July 26, 2008

Half-Drunk Posting About Earlobe Infections, TBs and Pathetic Ironing Attempts

I am going to take up littlekeebler's recent meme:

Six Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I can apparently get drunk off 3 beers in just under 3 hours.
My big partying days are long behind me, but I was a girl who could hold her liquor and I guess I still think of myself that way. But I just got back from a night out with some girlfriends and am feeling it, so good luck reading the rest of this thing.

2. I enjoy making totally half-assed domestic inventions.
Case in point: Today I am wearing a necklace I "made" by purchasing a pair of purple and pink plastic Target earrings, ripping them off their earring post thingies and putting them on a wire choker thing I bought at WalMart (totally had to remove the original necklace piece with needle nose pliers, btw). The result is a very cheap but fun necklace. (Sidenote: I think my earring holes might have permanently closed up by now, but I test this every 2 years or so by violently jabbing a pair of earrings into my lobes. I then feel proud of myself for about 4 hours before I start to suffer raging infections for the next week). In addition to homemade crap necklaces, another good example is when I got my first professional job and first apartment after college and decided it was ridiculous to have to spend money on an iron when surely I could improvise. I would spread my wrinkly clothes on the coffee table and boil a pot of water. Then I'd take the hot pot over to my clothes and press down to iron them. I don't think it really worked but I sure tried. Also, all my side tables were made from upside-down plastic storage tubs covered in tapestries.

3. I grew up thinking all TBs were nutso.
I said I'd write about this last time so dammit here you go. I grew up riding Arabs and was convinced TBs were satan spawn. And OTTBs? OMG! In my defense, my mom and I knew of clueless non-horsey people who would get OTTBs for free and then not understand why they were having problems. Also, the first time I rode a TB was during a lesson when I was a teenager. The poor guy went crazy (not sure how else to describe it in my state?) and let's just say he was not a safe lesson horse and I, um, had the worst fall ever. My Arab mare, by the way, was a saint. She sometimes did that crazy Arab spook but had a heart of gold and was a great beginner horse. If a kid rode her and started to lose his balance, she'd actually scoot her body over and help get him centered. So sweet. So yeah, I still carry around some TB stigma but have been riding a few of those big guys in lessons at Other Barn. That and reading Fugly's blog makes me a little more open-minded. Since I'd prefer to get a rescue when I do get a horse, maybe I'll even be an OTTB owner one day. Who knows.

4. You know how in my last post I said I'd ride my bike to work today (Friday)? I did, and it was AWESOME.

5. Today I unofficially decided to give up the lease on Mae and lease out the TB at Other Barn.
This is assuming the barn manager is cool with it and my next test ride is fine. And yes, I feel bad about this. And yes, I had to get semi-drunk to come on here and admit it on the blog, which is freaking named Maybe Mae. But I showed up to ride today and both riding rings were out of service. Yes, OUT OF SERVICE. This is the second time in one week it's happened and while I know shit happens and sometimes your riding schedule gets messed up, it felt like the last straw. And driving an hour round-trip each way both times didn't help. I put in an official request at Other Barn to test ride that horse again, so we'll see. I feel horrible writing this and am picturing beautiful, sweet Mae and don't know how I can do this. But I think I might. Don't hate me.

6. I recently decided I was going to stop being chicken and try to contact some of my mom's best friends to chat. My mom died when I was 18. I live across the country from where I grew up and don't keep in touch with her friends. I want to track them down and see if they'll share stories about her. All of them save one were "horsey" friends so I'm sure that will be a big part of the conversation. I think I have always wanted to catch up with them, but it seemed too painful or too weird. Recently, though, I realized it's silly to be shy in these matters.

So there you go. Sorry to get all sappy at the end. It's the Miller Lite, I tell you.


Daun said...

Three Miller Lites!! Wow, you are so talking about me. *sigh*

Anyway, I think you made the right decision on Mae. It's hard, but the best thing you can do for horseydom is to 1) improve as a rider and 2) stick with it. Sometimes when the riding gets too hard, people get discouraged and other great horses they would have helped and loved down the line miss out.

Please keep blogging though, you are most entertaining!

Maybe Mae said...

Thank you! The morning after that post I woke up and thought, "OMG what did I write on my blog?? Something about how I used to iron with pots, omg?" Ha ha. But I appreciate your note because I've been feeling guilty about Mae but it's true it will probably be the best for me.

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